
August 12, 2017

Raw Courgette Salad

No matter what you call these green health bombs in your country - they come in many names: Courgette, Zucchini, green squash (and yellow) and there might be more names - their possible ways of uses are endless! As mentioned this week here I will be sharing a few of ours and my sisters favourite recipes during the following weeks!

Raw courgette salad - photo collage

This week I will share with you one of my sisters recipe!

Raw courgette salad

It is a raw courgette salad.
You need:

200 grams Courgettes in pieces
1 Carrot in pieces
1 pear (not too mushy) in quarters
1/2 teaspoon of herbes de Provence 
3 tablespoons of ACV (check here to find out how to make your own ACV)
3 tablespoons olive oil
1/2 teaspoons salt
1 teaspoon of honey or dandelion syrup (find out here how to make your own dandelion syrup)
Put all of the ingredients in your food processor bowl and whizz on medium speed for roughly 4 seconds.  If you whizz for too long, it will be too mushy, so take it in baby steps to get it right!

Raw courgette salad

Ready to serve!