November 09, 2016

Quark Pizza Roll, No-Flour, Gluten-free, Low-Carb yet absolutely yummy

You might remember last weeks post about how to make your own Quark Cheese. I was asked by some if I could also post some savoury recipes using it.
So here comes a rather unusual one, that we have tried, tested and loved: A Pizza Roll! The Twist, its dough is made without flour, which makes it gluten free and also interesting for those that try to eat low-carb. If you wonder about the spuds in the picture, we ate the roll rather because we love the taste and not because we follow dietary guidelines, sorry guys!

November 02, 2016

Quark cheese - A love I thought lost

If you ever lived in one of the following countries - Austria, Germany  or Switzerland, you might have grown fond of a type of cream cheese called Topfen or Quark. If you now live abroad and miss it, you need to suffer no more!