April 08, 2017

Banana Chocolate Waffles - a good & fast way to use up those giraffe coloured overripe bananas

Are You guilty of collecting some of those ripe bananas and then let them end unused in the compost?

Well, join to the club! I decided I need to fight this wasting! So from now on I will come up with uses!
Here is my first experiment. As so often it involves the waffle iron!

Mash 1-2 ripe bananas (depending how intense you like the taste) with a fork

juice of half a lemon
50 gr chopped dark (70%) chocolate

2 Tbsp real rum
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 tsp baking soda
1 tsp baking powder
2 cups (non raising) plain flour
1 1/2 cups buttermilk or wheyI could imagine roasted hazelnut milk to make this extra special, too. Unfortunately I had non at hand.
1 egg
2 very heaped tsp homemade vanilla sugar
3 heaped tsp of raw brown sugar
80 grams of butter at room temperature chopped into smaller chunks
Mix all well and bake in your waffle Iron, waffle for waffle and enjoy the goodness!


  1. Oh my gawd Pat I want these so bad. We have waffle wednesday every week cause my husband is obsessed with waffles and I don't really ever know what to do with ripe bananas because ick I like them almost green.

    1. I feel the same about bananas, I don't like eating them if they are to ripe either! I hope you and your husband get to enjoy these one of the next wednesdays

  2. These sound so tasty! I love that there's rum in them!!

    I could have used this last week when I needed to use some very ripe bananas - we found a banana, egg, and cocoa mini cake, but this would be great to try too!

    1. I like using real rum in waffles or drier cakes (like marble cake). That mini cake sounds simple and yummy, too!

  3. This sounds amazing, though since it's me I might add a little bacon ;)

    1. my little man would eat bacon with anything ;)
